Bungee Jumping MARIO-33 years of experience !!!
Jump on Warsaw 2024 YEAR:
April 2024
Every Friday:14:00-20:00(2pm-8pm)
Every Saturday: 13:00-20:00(1pm-8pm)
Every Sunday: 12:00-18:00(12am-6pm)
MAY 2024
Friday: 14:00-20:00(2pm-8pm)
Saturday: 13:00-20:00(1pm-8pm)
Sundays: 12:00-19:00(12pm-6pm)
JUNE 2024
Thursdaj: 13:00 - 20:00
Friday: 13:00-20:00(1pm-8pm)
Saturday: 13:00-21:00(12pm-9pm)
Sunday: 12:00-19:00(12pm-7pm)
JULY 2024
Tuesday: 16:00-20:00(2PM - 8PM)
Friday: 13:00-21:00(1PM-9PM)
Saturday: 12:00-21:00(12PM-9PM)
Sunday: 12:00-19:00(12PM-7PM)
Friday- 13:00 - 19:00
Saturday- 12:00 - 20:00
Sunday- 12:00 - 18:00
No reservation !!!!! just come and jump.
Payment only with cash.
gift tickets
Please purchase carefully because the voucher is non-refundable
gift tickets valid for 300 DAYS !!!
see jump: Bungee Warszawa.
No reservation !!!! just come end jump.
Payment only in cash.
TARIFF BUNGEE paid only in cash
1 Jump .............................. 300 PLN
Jump-two person .................. 600 PLN
Photos from the top ............... 50 PLN
Photos from the botton ........... 50 PLN
Go pro kamera ....................... 50 PLN
Sightseeing lift per person ....... 50 PLN
Pendrive .......................... ..... 50 PLN
Address Warsaw Aleja Prymasa Tysiąclecia 103.
From the center of tram number 10
Bungee Jumping Mario – Maps Google
1. The condition of being allowed to jump on a rubber bungee rope (hereinafter referred to as "bungee jumping"), taking into account point 2 below, is to familiarize yourself with these regulations and to fill out a statement by the participant (hereinafter "participant") confirming, among others:
a) getting acquainted with these regulations and accepting its content, including a commitment to comply with it,
b) good health and no contraindications to perform the jump,
c) understanding and awareness of the risk, including consent to participate in the jump at your own risk.
2. Minors (at least 12 years old) must additionally present a written consent signed by a parent or legal guardian (containing personal data along with the telephone number of the person who agreed to the jump).
3. Due to the high risk of loss of health or life, it is FORBIDDEN to practice extreme sports, including bungee jumping, e.g. people under the influence of alcohol, drugs, pregnant women and people who are sick or have suffered from illnesses, including:
a) circulatory system - severe uncontrolled hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, aortic aneurysm, condition after arterial vascular surgery, large varicose veins of the lower limbs, ischemia of the lower limbs ischemic heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, edema of the upper and lower limbs, etc.,
b) the central nervous system - epilepsy, depression, psychosis, paresis, post-stroke condition, dizziness, loss of consciousness, severe headaches, etc.,
c) of the eye - retinal diseases, glaucoma, condition after surgery, vision defects above +/- 3 dpi, problems with intraocular pressure,
d) of the musculoskeletal system - after spinal injuries, severe fractures of the lower limbs and pelvis, spinal diseases (discopathy, fractures, spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis, significant curvature of the spine, congenital and acquired defects, ankle joint injuries, problems with the mobility of ankle joints - including ligament problems)
and up to 4 weeks after covid vaccination.
4. In point 3 above, are indicated only examples of diseases that prevent bungee jumping.
6. With each jump, there is a risk of random accidents, including injuries that cannot be predicted, due to the fact that: (1) bungee jumping is an extreme sport that affects the body, e.g. short-term overloads (jerks), and (2) the anatomy of each person is different (impossible to predict by the Organizer and its employees), as well as (3) behavior during sudden strong stress, including (4) its direct impact on health. In addition, in the case of tandem jumps there are more variables, independent of the Organizer.
7. The organizer and its employees are not responsible for the occurrence of random accidents, including the participant's injury.
8. The participant is obliged to inform the instructors about all diseases and injuries, including those listed in point 3 above. At the same time, the participant should have a written consent from a doctor about the lack of contraindications to jump on a rubber rope, together with the doctor's signature and seal.
9. The organizer and his employees are not medical personnel, including doctors, and are not authorized to decide on joining the jump. Each participant acts at his own will and at his own risk (see point 1 of the Regulations).
10. Before performing the jump, the participant is obliged to leave all items that may fall out during the jump (phone, wallet, keys, coins, etc.), remove jewelry (large earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings) and watch. Participants wearing glasses are obliged to take them off before the jump (it is allowed to perform the jump in contact lenses).
11. You can only jump in lace-up shoes that allow you to tie them tightly. The participant is obliged to tie his shoes very tightly so that they do not fall off during the jump. If it is not possible to tie shoes firmly, the jump is performed without shoes.
12. If the participant, after the second signal issued by the instructor (3, 2, 1, bungee) does not jump or resigns during preparation for the jump, the Organizer does not reimburse the costs related to the purchase of the jump. Preparation for the jump is understood as the period from the moment of signing the statement to the moment of issuing the signal by the instructor.
13. It is forbidden to grab the rubber (rope) during the jump.
14. In the event of failure to comply with the provisions contained in the regulations and instructions of the instructor/s, the Organizer is not responsible for any adverse consequences for the participant.
15. The instructor may refuse to allow a participant to jump, and also stop the jump without giving a reason. At the same time, the participant is obliged to follow all instructions of the instructor.
16. The organizer has full copyrights to the photos and videos he has taken, which can be used for promotional purposes of the company.
17. Bungee Jumping is an extreme sport that involves risk and unforeseen situations (e.g. contact of the jumper with the rubber / rope, abrasions on the skin caused by rubber / rope, possible injuries caused by jerks and overloads), independent of the Organizer, while applying safety rules.
18. By safety rules should be understood: (1) securing the jump site, (2) checking and preparing rubber ropes and belay equipment, (3) properly fastening the harness and belay equipment so that they do not unfasten during the jump, (4) instructing the person jumping what to avoid and what is forbidden during the jump.
Bungee Jumping “Mario”